It's been a while since I've written here, but not because life has been boring. Quite the contrary . . . we are blessed to enjoy this Advent season waiting for The Baby as well as waiting for our baby. We are expecting the 7th little Hunter in early July. Today marks the beginning of my 10th week, and I am eagerly awaiting that 13-week mark when I (historically) am freed from "morning" sickness--more like all-day-sickness this time.
This is the first time that my first trimester has fallen at Christmas time. It has made for a much quieter, much more scaled-back Advent. Jeff has been doing double-duty for the last month, for which I am eternally grateful.
While I would never have imagined that I would be the mother of seven, I have nothing but gratitude for the incredible children who bless my life (and make me crazy sometimes). What continues to amaze me is how different they all are. You'd think that among six, there would be a couple who are similar. But, as those of you who know my kids can attest, they are all unique in their own special ways. Following last week's tragedy, I just can't stop thinking about how grateful I am for those differences--how none of them could be replaced. Our family is truly blessed in our abundance.
We're all looking forward to the arrival of Grandpa Dave on Thursday, and Jeff's birthday on Saturday. We may not have completed all of our Advent traditions, but we will have done the most important thing . . . we will have waited for the baby.
Amy, congratulations on your new little one!!! That is such wonderful news and I am so thrilled for you. I hope you are feeling better very quickly. : )